
Official visit to Kedah

Ambassador Attila Káli paid an official visit to the state of Kedah.
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Conductive education in Malaysia - Book launch

Hungarian conductor and author Alexandra Major-Bacskai launched her book Emily Walks with Canes at Mind Space.
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V4 Piano Concert

The guests of the Embassy of Hungary in Kuala Lumpur celebrated the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group with a successful piano concert by Adrienne Hauser.
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Sabah and Hungary plan tourism tie-up

KOTA KINABALU: Hungary and Sabah are planning a tie-up in tourism and cultural exchange, besides business dealings. Hungarian Ambassador to Malaysia Attila Kali said there were many aspects in which his country could work with Sabah.
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The Embassy of Hungary participated in the Kuala Lumpur International Craft Festival 2017 (KLICF)

We were delighted to have Dr. Ákos Berzétei, Deputy Minister of State for International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary as the Guest of Honour for the Opening Ceremony of KLICF 2017 on 24th of November 2017. There was a courtesy call between Dr. Ákos Berzétei, Hon. YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister of Tourism and Culture Malaysia and Ambassador Attila Káli.
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