The 84th World Library and Information Congress took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from the 24th - 30th August 2018. The theme was Transform Libraries, Transform Societies” with the additional tagline: ‘ Reaching out to the hard to reach’ was chosen in recognition of the critical role played by libraries in the development of a nation particularly in their ability to transform societies.

We had delegates from Hungary who participated in this event. One of them was Dr. László Boka who has played an active role in the life of the publishing house since 2005, and he is the Deputy Director of National Széchényi Library in Hungary. In addition, we also had Dr. Ágnes Hajdú Barát, Governing Board Member of IFLA and President of the Association of Hungarian Librarians.

Congratulations to Attila József County Library in Tatabánya, it was the one of the 5 libraries out of 32 applications to receive the Green Award in this year from all over the world.;gHpVZWMPQV6p2IhO1jc6Ed3JmslFM42zDcgz~;gEu~;7tzXc6L3U68GVi9LczMJ.bps.a.2064353970311325/2064354910311231/?type=3&theater